To configure the add-on you will find the link in the administration navigation "INTERGATOR Configuration"


Use the settings screen to setup the connection between Confluence and your INTERGATOR server.

On the right side of the screen you will already see the INTERGATOR search and can validate that your settings are correct.


Proxy Url (required)URL used for proxy request to your INTERGATOR server.
Public URLOptional URL to render direct links to INTERGATOR. Proxy URL will be used as fallback.
FacetsYou have to configure all search facets users will be able to use. Please contact you INTERGATOR administrator for a list of all facets.
SSLCheck, if your INTERGATOR server is using any kind of invalid SSL certificate.
Anonymous accessCheck to allow searches for anonymous users
Link to INTERGATORCheck to show INTERGATOR links for anonymous users as well.
Anonymous userSearches from anonymous users will be done on behalf of this user.
  • PREAUTH (recommended): User
  • Basic Auth (for testing purposes and not recommended for production): You can define a fixed basic auth user. This is only recommended for testing purposes and not for final production usage. All search requests will be done on behalf of this user.
PREAUTH HeaderHTTP header which is used for PREAUTH authentication and used to send the username.
Basic Auth UsernameUsername for Basic Auth authentication
Basic Auth Password

Password for Basic Auth Authentication

CacheActivate local caching for thumbnails of search results
Cache ExpirationDetermine how long (in milliseconds) thumbnails are cached in local home directory. Default of 86400000 milliseconds corresponds to 24 hours.
Replace Quick SearchActivate to open INTERGATOR embedded search instead of quick search.
PlaceholderSpecify the placeholder that appears in the search field. Default is "*"

Extended Search Parameters

Configure the extended search parameters for request to the INTERGATOR.

LenientCheck if requests should be lenient.
SynonymsCheck if synonyms should be considered.
StemmingCheck if stemming should be enabled.
Correct QueryCheck if search queries can be corrected by INTERGATOR API.
Log searchCheck if search should be logged in INTERGATOR.

PREAUTH authentication on INTERGATOR Server

We highly recommend using PREAUTH  as authentication method for intergator in production usage. This is the only method, the search is done on behalf of the authenticated Confluence user.

To be able to use PREAUTH your INTERGATOR server has to be configured supporting PREAUTH.

For more information on this, consider following documentation: Configure PREAUTH authentication

Please contact your interface projects if you need support for configuring PREAUTH.

Go to INTERGATOR support

Embedded Search

The embedded search dialog similar to the Confluence quick search. If activated of in addon configuration search field in header instead of the quick search of Confluence will be shown.

Custom usage of embedded search

To open embedded search in your theme or environment you can dispatch the "moewe.addons.intergator:embedded-search" event with default query to open embedded search from everywhere.

window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("moewe.addons.intergator:embedded-search", {
	detail: {
		query: "*" // or default query when embedded search opens

To add custom javascript you will find here more information under this link (How to use JavaScript in Confluence).

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